Yet we can surely still find more good testimonials about the Honda Element. From the official Honda site, it is stated that "Just one glance tells you the Element was built for those who live their own unique way." Along with Real Time 4WD™, i-VTEC® Engine, and Drive-by-Wire™ Throttle System; Honda Element offers flexible freedom for its 64 Seating Options, 77 Cubic Feet of Cargo Room, Configurable Seating and also offers extreme functionality through its Wide-Opening Cargo Doors, Clamshell Tailgate, and Removable Skylight (4WD models).
A selling site performs Honda Element as a vehicle which is designed to maximize space, whether for people and/or cargo in a fairly small package, with driving characteristics similar to a small sedan. It aims to appeal to a young and active people. J.D. Power and Associates customer satisfaction and quality research studies even name the Honda Element as the most reliable Compact Multi-Activity Vehicle.
Overview and more news about 2008 Honda Element could be viewed on The Car
4 of your comments here:
euh...ngga salah ni? ko tiba" nge-review mobil? :)
tergantung request kaan. lagian lumayan juga aku jadi tambah tau :)
makasih infonya, nanti saya lihat
i really appreciate your attention. thank you
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